You are here: American University Academics Integrity Students


Students are responsible for knowing academic standards, conventions of documentation, course requirements, and institutional policies. By registering as a student at American University, all students acknowledge their awareness of the code. Academic excellence fundamentally depends upon the values of academic integrity. Students are urged to take pride in their own ideas and to respect the work of others.

Washington College of Law (WCL) has a separate Honor Code to which WCL students are required to adhere.

Need Assistance?

At times you may have questions about what constitutes academic dishonesty or how the Academic Integrity Code functions. When this occurs, seek out an authority to help.

  • Course instructors are the best resources for academic integrity questions/issues related to their curriculum. They will be pleased that you asked.
  • The staff of the Writing Center, the Academic Support & Access Center, and the University Library include experts on how to avoid plagiarism, in particular.
  • Each school and college's Office of the Dean can address questions about the Academic Integrity Code and the adjudication of academic dishonesty charges
  • The provost's designee for academic integrity issues is Sara Biggs, Special Assistant to the Provost at x2128, Office of the Provost, Leonard Hall.