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Alumni Success Story

Bringing the AU Community Together in Belgium

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Nina Peacock, SIS/BA '05

As soon as Nina Peacock, SIS/BA ’05 returned to AU from studying abroad in Brussels, she wanted to go back to the Belgian capital immediately. Despite the stiff international labor laws and the Belgian job market, Peacock was determined to learn more about the European Union.

"Brussels is such a livable town," says Peacock, who enjoys the relaxed culture of the city and its people. When she finished up her international relations degree with a minor in economics, she made a beeline across the Atlantic.

Peacock now works as a public affairs and communications consultant at Landmark Europe in Brussels. “I am intensely interested in the field and am elated to have found a job that draws on my educational and internship experiences,” she said.

Her journey thus far is less surprising when you look at her background. Her parents are ethnically Chinese, but were born in Zimbabwe and South Africa respectively. Peacock herself was born in Canada and raised in North America. All of this made for interesting holidays, especially at Thanksgiving. “At Thanksgiving we always had turkey next to a big bowl of chow mein on the family dinner table.”

While Peacock is considering a graduate degree and an eventual return to Washington, D.C., for now she is happy overseas. “I enjoy the thought of not moving for awhile, especially after living in three different countries the year after I finished at AU,” she said, noting her time in France, England and finally Belgium following her graduation.

Once established, Peacock worked to begin the Brussels alumni chapter for American University, to keep in contact with the school and to provide support for other AU alumni living in the city. She recently has done a great deal of work to coordinate with alums from George Washington University and Georgetown University living in the city as well.