Scholarship for Study Abroad in Madrid Honoring Dr. Maria del Carmen Caballero
AU Abroad has established a scholarship in the name of Dr. Maria del Carmen Caballero, the AU Madrid Center's Inaugural Director. This scholarship benefits AU students who choose to study in one of our programs in Madrid.
Learn more about MariCarmen and her contributions to the AU community.
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Scholarship Recipients Charlotte Bergmann - Spring 2015
Charlotte is the inaugural recipient of the Dr. Maria del Carmen Caballero Scholarship for Study Abroad in Spain. She is majoring in Public Relations and Strategic Communication in AU's School of Communication. She also has a minor in Spanish Language and is working towards the completion of a Certificate in Spanish Translation.
One of Charlotte's primary goals in studying abroad is to perfect the Spanish skills she has been working on since kindergarten. "Language is a manifestation of thousands of years of history and culture. In order to understand a language, one must understand the context in which it is spoken and the speakers themselves. Having the opportunity to be immersed in a culture and speak a language not just in one class once a week but to eat and study and enjoy what life has to offer is utterly transformative," she wrote in her scholarship essay.
In her free time, Charlotte is a member of the American University Chamber Singers and the Alpha Xi Delta sorority. While in Spain, she hopes to join a local singing group to learn more about the diverse Spanish music tradition. In addition to course work and extracurricular activities, Charlotte also looks forward to completing an internship in Madrid within the field of communications.