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Photograph of Mustafa Gurbuz

Mustafa Gurbuz Adjunct Senior Professorial Lecturer Critical Race Gender and Culture Studies

Ph.D. University of Connecticut; M.A. University of Connecticut; M.A. Bilkent University; B.A. Bilkent University

Mustafa Gurbuz is a political sociologist whose research focuses on race/ethnic relations and social movements. His publications appeared in Sociological Inquiry, Sociological Forum, Middle East Critique, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, European Journal of Turkish Studies, and Research in Social Movements, Conflict, and Change. Dr. Gurbuz is the author of Rival Kurdish Movements in Turkey: Transforming Ethnic Conflict (Amsterdam University Press, 2016).
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Spring 2024

  • AWST-225 Arab Societies

Fall 2024

  • AWST-360 Middle East Sectarianism

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Selected Publications

Rival Kurdish Movements in Turkey: Transforming Ethnic Conflict by Mustafa Gorbuz

Rival Kurdish Movements in Turkey: Transforming Ethnic Conflict Amsterdam University Press, 2016

Articles and Book Chapters

2021. (with Sera Secen) “Between Hospitality and Hostility: Public Attitudes and State Policies toward Syrian Refugees in Turkey” Pp. 193-202 in From Territorial Defeat to Global ISIS: Lessons Learned, edited by J. Goldstone, E. Alimi, S. Ozeren, and S. Cubukcu, IOS Press.

2021. “What Awaits US-Turkey Relations in the Biden Era?” Pp. 85-93 in Biden and the Middle East: A Challenging Road Ahead, The Arab Center, Washington, DC.

2018. False Hopes? Political Inclusion in Rojava and Iraqi KurdistanBaker Institute, Rice University, Houston, TX.

2018. The Role of Iraq’s Shiite Militias in the 2018 ElectionsThe Center for Global Policy, Washington, DC.

2017. “US-Turkey Relations and Their Impact on the Arab World” Pp. 91-100 in Trump and The Arab World: A First Year Assessment, The Arab Center, Washington, DC.

2017. “Turkey and the Gulf Crisis: Erdogan’s Most Difficult Game?” Pp. 65-72 in Crisis in the Gulf Cooperation Council: Challenges and Prospects, The Arab Center, Washington, DC.

2017Ethnic Reforms and the Puzzle of Public Framing: The Case of Kurds in Turkey” Contemporary Islam 

2016. The ‘Glocal’ Effect: Rethinking Religious Nationalism and Radicalization , Brookings Institution, Washington, DC.

2015 “Ideology in Action: Symbolic Localization of Kurdistan Workers' Party in Turkey”   Sociological Inquiry 85: 1-27.

2014 “Toward a Sociology of Global Islam: Revisiting Muslim Ethnicities in the West”; Sociological Forum 29: 756-63. 

2012 ‘Sold Out to the Enemy’: Emerging Symbolic Boundaries in Kurdish Politics and Strategic Uses of Labeling Treason.” European Journal of Turkish Studies vol. 14

2012 “‘Thou Shall Not Protest!’: Multi-Institutional Politics, Strategic Non-Confrontation and Islamic Mobilizations in Turkey” Research in Social Movements, Conflict, and Change 34: 63-91. 

2009 “Over the Bodies of the T-Girls: The Headscarf Ban as a Secular Effort to Monopolize Islam in Turkey.” Middle East Critique 18 (3): 231-49.

2009 “Between Sacred Codes and Secular Consumer Society: The Practice of Headscarf Adoption among American College Girls.” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 29 (3): 387-99.

2009   “Union Organizing Effort and Success in the U.S., 1948-2004.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 27 (1): 13-34.