Valerie Guyen Croquez
Adjunct Professorial Lecturer
World Languages and Cultures
- Qualification as a university lecturer by the National Council of French Universities.2013 - PhD in medieval literature (« Tradition et originalité dans les Croniques et Conquestes de Charlemaine de David Aubert ») presented March 28th 2008 at Nancy University . Very honourable mention, with unanimous jury praises. published by Honoré Champion (Paris.), 450 pages, May 2015. - “Agrégation” (highest teaching degree in France ) in modern French literature, 1997. - Research Master in Compared Literatures : “Roger Martin du Gard et l’Occupation ”,DEA, mention magna cum laude, University of Orleans, 1998 - Degree from Institute of Political Sciences of Paris (I.E.P.), Major in Finance,1986 - Master’s degree in Business Law, Paris X University, 1990
Favorite Spot on Campus
Saint Jacut de la mer (Brittany, France)-out of campus !
Instructor Bio: Born from a vietnamese father and a french mother, I was raised in France, 5 kilometers outside Paris. I am an alumni of Sciences Po Paris. I worked for 8 years in financial departments and decided to change everything in my life....I got a PhD in French Medieval literature and became a teacher. In the same time I directed workshop in theater with a professional actor or alone. I lived in US from 2014 to 2019.I worked at AU since 2016 (topics courses -about French women, cinema, theater, french rebellion and language courses (intermediaires et avancés) in presence or online- 2019 and 2021 I worked at the Centre de civilisation française de la Sorbonne (Paris)- Fall 2021 back to AU for theater topics Fall 2021 and French rebellion (Spring 2022)-