Studio Art Student Award Winners Announced

Each year, the Department of Art in the College of Arts and Sciences offers financial scholarship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate studio art and art history students that demonstrate exceptional artistic talent or academic excellence.
This spring 15 students were awarded prizes. The winners are as follows:
Isabelle Kerner (BA studio art ’16)
Leonard Maurer Trust Award
Awarded annually to an undergraduate fine arts student whose creative work is deemed outstanding by the faculty of the Department of Art.
Lauren Van Alstine (BA studio art ’16)
Alma Thomas Award
This award is presented annually (as funds permit) to an outstanding artist studying painting.
Samantha Sethi (MFA studio art ’16)
Elizabeth L. Van Swinderen Award
Presented annually to a graduate or undergraduate student for outstanding artistic accomplishment.
Jean Jinho Kim (MFA studio art ’16) and Jennifer Noone (MFA studio art ’17)
Catharina Baart Biddle Art Award
Awarded annually, this scholarship provides support for undergraduate or graduate studio art students who demonstrate artistic talent (as determined by the chair of the Art Department) and are recommended by faculty. The award was established by Catharina Baart Biddle (CAS/MFA ’81), a well-known Washington painter and philanthropist, and is to be used for the purchase of art supplies or other purposes supporting the student's artistic ability.
Jihee Kang (MFA studio art ’16)
JoAnn Crisp-Ellert Graduate Purchase Prize
This prize was established by the late JoAnn Crisp-Ellert (CAS/MA ’62, CAS/PhD ’70), a well-known Washington artist and former owner of Gallery 10. It is awarded to a graduate painting, printmaking, or sculpture student based on the body of work in his or her master's thesis exhibition. In turn, the prize recipient will donate one work of art from his or her master's thesis exhibition to American University.
Frances Mills Brown (MFA studio art ’16), Calli A. Moore (MFA studio art ’16), Sarah Norman (MFA studio art ’17), and Samantha Sethi (MFA studio art ’16)
Carol Bird Ravenal Travel Award
This award may be given to either undergraduate or graduate students and alternates annually between the Studio and Art History Programs. It was established in 2007 by Carol Bird Ravenal, professor emerita and former chair of the Department of Art, who taught both art history and studio art at American University.
Katelyn Michelle Wood (MFA studio art ’16), Frances Mills Brown (MFA studio art ’16), Sarah Norman (MFA studio art ’17), and Zarina Zuparkhodjaeva (MFA studio art ’17)
Patricia Segnan Travel Award
Created by Romeo A. Segnan in honor of his late wife, Patricia Segnan, this award is distributed to art or art history students studying abroad, with preference given to those going to Italy.
Rachel Hargreaves (BA studio art ’16)
Dean and Rosina Carter Endowed Sculptor Scholarship
This scholarship was established through the generosity of Dean Carter (CAS/BA ’47) and his wife, Rosina Carter. It is awarded to an aspiring sculptor who is enrolled at the university and entering his or her senior (undergraduate) year.
Yuan Wang (BA studio art ’18)
Allan Carney Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the late Magenta Carney Yglesias (CAS/BA ’97) in memory of her father, Allan Carney, an artist who decorated and restored the interiors of churches throughout the mid-western states. It is awarded annually to an undergraduate student majoring in fine arts who exhibits financial need and academic excellence.
Ashfia Khan (BA film and media arts and studio art ’18)
Elizabeth J. Maiden Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Elizabeth J. Maiden (CAS/BA ’51) to provide financial support to undergraduate students studying in the Department of Art.