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Learning Outcomes in Psychology

BA Psychology
- General Knowledge of Psychology (Competency in the basic foundations of the field, e.g., concepts, principles, theories and research findings
- Ethical Issues (Competency in the ethical issues in the field-both research and applied)
- Research Methodology (Competency of basic research methodology, i.e. conducting and interpreting research)
- Satisfaction with the Psychology major (Improved results of the Psychology Department Satisfaction Survey)
- Application of Psychological Knowledge in Labs and Internships (Increase student participation in Labs (PSYC-490) and Internships (PSYC-491))
- Honors Level Research with Capstone Project (Increase student participation in honors courses and programs)
MA Psychology
- Research Issues (Students should be able to competently evaluate research issues.)
- Ethical Issues (Students should be able to identify and act on ethical issues in research and practice.)
- Career Training and Placement (Provide relevant and effective pre-doctoral training)
PhD Clinical
- Research Issues (Students should be able to competently evaluate research issues.)
- Clinical Issues (Students should be competent clinicians.)
- Students of Psychology (Students will develop a knowledge of psychology as a whole.)
- Research Skills and Knowledge (Students should become competent researchers.)
- Ethical Issues (Students should be able to identify and act on ethical issues in research and practice.)
- Research Ethics (Students should be able to identify ethical issues in research.)
- Specialty Comprehensive (Students should demonstrate mastery of their specific research area and should be able to provide well-reasoned, well-written, and focused answers to specialty comprehensive questions. They should also demonstrate a firm grasp of the literature in their specialty area and be able to connect their specialty area to other, related areas or to situate it within a broader context, when appropriate.)
- Grant Writing (Students should be able to prepare and submit applications for pre-doctoral grants from external funding agencies.)
- Ethical Use of Human and Animal Subjects in Research (Students should have mastery of ethical principles of human and animal subjects in research.)
- Generating a testable research hypothesis (A critical skill for students in the BCaN program is being able to articulate a research idea in the form of a testable hypothesis.)
- Research Article Review (Students should be able to think critically about research and experimental design.)