Our Team

Who We Are

A community of students, faculty, alumni, and industry leaders focused on driving transformative insights to enhance market and consumer well-being.

What We Do

Conduct cutting-edge research on consumer culture and the issues in marketing, economics, and public policy that adversely affect market and consumer well-being.

Why It Matters

We can't evade consumer society's influence, but we can empower ourselves through understanding that will fuel better decision-making and support a path to increased market and consumer well-being.


The MIH-associated faculty are some of the most prolific and influential authors in marketing, psychology, public health, and policy. Collectively, they’ve penned over 1000 articles, review papers, and books and are prominently featured in highly-esteemed publications such as:

  • Appetite
  • Advertising & Society Quarterly
  • Business & Society Review
  • Consumption, Markets & Culture
  • Global Business Review
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Journal of Advertising
  • Human Rights Quarterly
  • Journal of Business Research
  • Journal of Consumer Affairs
  • Journal of Consumer Psychology
  • Journal of Consumer Research
  • Journal of Macromarketing
  • Journal of Marketing Research
  • Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
  • Organization Science
  • Psychology & Marketing

Associated MIH faculty members have years of experience working across advertising, market research, and brand management. Many have a background in marketing consulting. Outside of the classroom, some faculty still actively serve as professional consultants to associations, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and major corporations.

MIH faculty have also held or currently hold esteemed leadership positions on several federal and state agencies, including the Federal Trade Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, the US Department of Justice, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Product Development and Small Business Incubator Board (State of Texas). Currently, Professor and Chair of Marketing Dr. Ronald Hill is serving as vice president of publications to the American Marketing Society.

Our Faculty

Research Assistants

Deziree JacksonDeziree Jackson
MA in Sociology Research and Practice

Deziree Jackson is a MA student in Sociology Research and Practice. She currently works as a Research Assistant for Dr. Kelli Frias exploring healthcare affordability along the U.S.-Texas border. Her research interests include race and ethnicity, gender, and health disparities.

Cassidy LowtherCassidy Lowther
MS in Marketing

Cassidy Lowther is an MS in Marketing student. She currently works on the branding and strategy of the Market Impact Hub with Dr. Hill and Dr. Frias. Her interests include brand marketing and innovation and pursuing a career path where she can make a difference.

Scott SchneiderScott Schneider

Scott Schneider recently completed his MBA and Analytics Certificate at American University. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Markets & Culture from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. He has experience in database management, implementation, and evaluation. He has interests in culture and consumption patterns and well-being. Scott has been instrumental in developing the background for experiments associated with price and quality, reference pricing, and price anchoring in healthcare decision-making.