Cornerstone DC student Molly Deneen interned at Generation Hope

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Cornerstone DC Student Molly Deneen Interns at Generation Hope

American University's Cornerstone DC program gives freshman the opportunity to start their professional careers as soon as they set foot on a college campus.
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Cornerstone DC student William Jessup interns at City Wildlife

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Cornerstone DC Student Discovers His Passion with an Internship at City Wildlife

The Cornerstone DC program helped William Jessup determine a course of study and future career in the veterinary field.
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Cornerstone DC student Emily Roseman Tillet interned at BBC

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She Landed a DC Internship and Met the Love of Her Life

Emily Roseman Tillet expected a thrilling experience in American University's Cornerstone DC program, but she never expected to land an internship at BBC as well as finding the love of her life.
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Cornerstone DC student Milla Kessener Interns at BBC News

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First-Year Student Milla Kessener Becomes a DC Insider

Milla Kessener credits Cornerstone DC for setting her apart from her peers by helping land an internship at BBC's Beyond 100 Days show.
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Cornerstone DC student Elizabeth Williams Interns at Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

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Diplomatic Service on the Horizon

Elizabeth Williams credits Cornerstone DC for her success at American University.
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