Collection Development
Builds the collection in all formats to meet the current and future research needs related to both the curriculum and faculty and student research. Works to align our collection to our values by ensuring the inclusion of under-represented voices and working to support the development of new financial models in scholarly production and publication that removes barriers to accessing scholarly knowledge.
Data Services
Provides consultations and formal instruction on Data Management. This includes preservation, sharing and archiving data to increase research exposure, purchasing datasets, and reviewing data management plans for grant applications.
Information Literacy Instruction
Information literacy is formally incorporated into university-wide learning outcomes. Our information literacy plan has three tiers. We offer curriculum integrated information literacy instruction, being paired with Writing Studies sections and appropriately integrated into the majors for subject-specific information literacy. We are available to assist faculty in creating rubrics or strategizing about assignments.
Institutional Repository
We support Open Access and Open Data initiatives by providing an institutional repository for our faculty, staff and other AU knowledge creators.
Music Library
The Music Library is a branch library serving the Department of Performing Arts and located in Katzen. The collections represent a broad spectrum of subjects, periods, and styles, including classical music, musical theatre, jazz, blues, world music, and popular music.
Research Assistance
Offers expert research assistance through online chat, in individual research consultations, through email consultations, and through creating self-service options such as a in-depth knowledge base and Libguides. Our services include support for systematic reviews.
Scholarly Communication
Supports Open Research, including managing an Open Access Fund, consultation regarding publisher negotiations, and publishing in our Institutional Repository. Additionally, we support the adoption of Open Education Resources and promotion of both OA and OERs and their benefits. We offer consultation and tools for assessing impact of scholarship, including impact outside of academia, for both individual scholars and for the institution.
Subject Liaisons
Each academic unit has a subject-expert library faculty member serving as liaison. These experts provide research assistance, teach subject-specific information literacy, and are engaged in collection development. They are also generally responsible for outreach to their academic units.