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One Question on Workday: Abby Puskar

Learn how AU's new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system will help faculty.

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Abby Puskar.

Ahead of the January launch of AU’s new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, get to know some of the people helping to facilitate the transition to Workday.

Here, Abby Puskar, assistant dean of faculty affairs, shares what faculty need to know.

How will Workday help faculty?

The move to Workday will create a lot of small benefits for faculty that add up. It’s much more intuitive, meaning the processes for receiving grants or submitting travel reimbursements will work a lot faster and be facilitated in one place.

Workday will make it easier for our office to collect and pull data for reports, for example, on faculty recruitment and retention. There’s also a built-in diversity dashboard on Workday. Deans will be able to go into the system and view various data points on their faculty—information that’s typically only available by request. Having greater access to data will provide more visibility and transparency to faculty tracking their progression at AU.

Learn more about the upcoming move to Workday here.