Fabian Jozsa
Manager of Portal Systems
OIT | Solutions Engineering
Mr. Jozsa is the Manager of Portal Systems at the Office of Information Technology department. He leads the group that is responsible for development efforts, administration, user support and maintenance of AU's transactional and collaboration portal running on SharePoint and Ellucian’s portal solution. Mr. Jozsa joined American University in 2010 taking on a role in the inception of AU’s new portal solution. During his tenure he was extensively involved with the custom implementation of Ellucian’s Active Campus Portal on MOSS 2007 and SharePoint 2010 platforms. Most recently he has been leading the efforts to upgrade the portal solution to SharePoint 2013 and Ellucian Portal utilizing the latest innovations in web technologies creating a robust and more powerful platform to serve the university’s growing needs. He’s developed many custom applications and portal functionality to better serve students, faculty and staff of the university. Some of these include a collaboration portal for the Board of Trustees, a Faculty Tenure Review system, a commemorative site for JFK’s 50th anniversary, a visual redesign and a responsive mobile site for AU’s public website and a Transfer Course Articulation system. Previously, he worked in the Information Technology Services department of The Brookings Institution between 2002 and 2010, serving in a multitude of roles, including web development, statistical and research computing and service desk duties. Mr. Jozsa, a native of Hungary, holds a master’s degree in Computer Science with a concentration on artificial intelligence from Strayer University.