Kathryn Braisted
Part Time Staff
University Library
Favorite Spot on Campus
anywhere grassy!
Favorite Place in Washington DC
Glover Archbold trail
I am a senior pursuing a Bachelors of Arts in Economics and a Certificate in Advanced Leadership Studies.
Currently, I'm a teaching assistant for the School of Public Affairs Leadership program and an intern for DC Greens' School Garden Program. Since January 2011 I have been a tutor for the Academic Support Center, though which I help other students in microeconomics and introductory mathematics courses.
Given this nation's problematic obesity epidemic, I'm invested in being part of a solution that fosters a deeper relationship between consumers and their food by improving food security, childhood nutrition programs, adult nutrition education, and the world's diet as a whole. I think this solution needs to come from the hands of all stakeholders: children, families, community members, school officials, and policy makers.
My economic research interests include public health policy, risky' health decisions and their implications, and health outcomes in particular communities.