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Photograph of Laura Marks

Laura Marks Assistant Vice President, Community & Government Relations UCM | Community & Government Relations

Laura earned her bachelor's degree cum laude in government and public policy from Smith College.

Laura Marks is Assistant Vice President for Community and Government Relations. A seasoned leader in local government and community affairs, she's passionate about collaborative problem-solving and building strong neighborhoods across the District of Columbia.

Prior to joining AU, Laura was the Director of Government Affairs and Strategic Planning for Events DC, the District's official convention and sports authority, which manages eleven venues for the District, including Nationals Park, the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, and the RFK Stadium Complex. She represented the organization in a variety of public forums and boards, including Downtown BID, DC Sustainable Transportation, Reimagining Downtown DC, and the DC Tax Revision Commission.

She served as Chief of Staff at the Council of the District of Columbia for Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen, then-Chair of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety. She managed the Councilmember's personal and committee offices, with $1.3 million in annual payroll and oversight of 35 District agencies, boards, and commissions, comprising a combined budget of more than $1.45 billion in gross funds and over 10,000 full-time employees.

Originally from Nebraska, Laura came to DC as a White House Intern, then worked in political media and polling for a decade on dozens of U.S. Senate, House, and gubernatorial campaigns across the country.

She resides in the District with her two children.