PhD, University of Virginia<br>MA, University of Virginia<br>BA, Rice University
Michael Manson is Director of Undergraduate Research and Integrity, leading the development, implementation, and assessment of undergraduate research at the university and directing university-wide efforts to promote the Academic Integrity Code. He also serves as the staff director of the University Honors Program as it phases out in spring 2017.
He teaches in the Literature Department and the American Studies program and is the author of several articles concerning modernist poetry and poetic form, discussing Robert Frost, Sterling A. Brown, Jay Wright, Lorine Niedecker, Gary Soto, Robert Hass, and Emily Dickinson. He is co-editor of The Calvinist Roots of the Modern Era and contributed several entries to the fourth edition of The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. He has served as the president of the Robert Frost Society (2006-2007) and as the executive director of the Northeast Modern Language Association (1997-2000). In 2005, he organized a Symposium on Poetic Form for the American Literature Association.
Previous positions at AU include Director, Office for Honors and Scholars Programs (2014-2015); Interim Director, University Honors Program (2011-2014); Academic Affairs Administrator for Undergraduate Studies (2010-2011), Academic Affairs Administrator, College of Arts and Sciences (2006-2010), and Visiting Assistant Professor (2001-2006).