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Photograph of Mohamed Alaa Abdel-Moneim

Mohamed Alaa Abdel-Moneim Public Administration

Mohamed Alaa Abdel-Moneim, PhD, obtained a BSc in Political Science from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science (FEPS), Cairo University – Egypt. He was appointed as a Teaching Assistant in the FEPS Department of Public Administration in 2001 and maintains this position. Dr. Abdel-Moneim was awarded a Fulbright pre-doctoral grant in 2003/2004, subsequently received an MPA from the George Washington University, followed in 2011 by a PhD from the School of Public Affairs at American University. Dr. Abdel-Moneim’s research interests include political economy of the Middle East, international relations, and research methods. Dr. Abdel-Moneim also published a book titled Public Opinion in the United States: Studies of Race, Religion, Gender, and Issues that Matter, and has published a number of articles on public opinion in the U.S. He also wrote the “Egypt Country Profile” for