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Noah Rosen PHD.INRL

Rosen’s research examines the intersection between social justice activism and peace processes in order to expand our understanding of just war-to-peace transitions. His dissertation explores how locally-based collective mobilization influences the outcomes of national-level inclusion mechanisms in the 2016 Colombian peace accord. Rosen received his BA in international relations in 2013 from Macalester College. He is also involved in housing justice campaigns in Washington, DC and hopes to continue to build mutually enriching connections between scholarly and activist communities.


Wanis-St. John, Anthony and Noah Rosen (2017). Negotiating Civil Resistance. Peaceworks No. 129. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace.

Rosen, Noah (2017). Understanding the link between Victimization and Political Participation: Disaggregating the Victimizers. (Draft PVRL paper)