10/4/2017 Associate Vice Provost LeoGrande address the Faculty Senate
- Associate Vice Provost William M. LeoGrande shared his remarks with the Faculty Senate regarding the possibility of the term faculty members organizing at American University.
For answers to your questions or further information, contact Associate Vice Provost William LeoGrande, avpleogrande@american.Dear Colleagues:
We have created this website as a resource for our term faculty members so you have access to the information you need to make an informed decision about union representation.
American University respects our term faculty members' rights to freedom of association, expression, and participation in democratic processes, including the right to unionize. However, there is a serious legal question about whether term faculty at American University are an appropriate bargaining unit under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).
Term faculty represent an integral part of the university's academic mission and are closely involved in critical aspects of university management. In recognizing the special role and contributions of term faculty, the university has dedicated resources to address term faculty needs. These investments have occurred in the context of a broader set of strategic initiatives to improve upon the university's commitment to and standards for teachers and scholars at AU and include the following examples:
In this process, my best advice is to participate and use your voice. I encourage all term faculty members to stay informed on the matter. As the process unfolds, I will continue to update the university community.
Best regards,
Scott A. Bass, Provost
The following process was determined by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for private non-profit institutions.
As we have pointed out in prior communications to you and on this page, it is the university’s view that term faculty do not constitute an appropriate bargaining unit under the NLRA given the significant role they play in university governance. Under federal law, managers are not eligible to form a union. This legal question will need to be resolved at some point during the process.