You are here: American University Provost Registrar Student Services CeDiploma Validation

CeDiploma Validation

Validation demo

American University offers a certified electronic diploma that serves as an official, portable and verifiable electronic version of your accomplishment that can be shared for a lifetime! 

The CeDiploma can be independently validated in the fields below by future employers, State Government Licensing Agencies and any other entity that wishes to validate your achievement.

The CeDid is found on the upper left corner of your diploma. Not case sensitive

CeDiD is found on the upper left corner of your diploma

How to Validate the CeDiploma

A CeDiploma can be validated online in one of two ways:

Validation Sample

1. Diploma Validation Form: To ensure the Degree information is still valid, we highly recommend using the validation form above.

Enter the 12-digit CEDiD found in the upper corner of the CeDiploma, along with the first two letters of the name as it appears on the Diploma.

Digital Signature sample and explanation in Adobe Reader

2. Digital Signature: All CeDiplomas from American University are digitally signed by CeCredentialTrust. When the document is viewed through Adobe Reader or Acrobat versions 9.0 or higher, it will reveal that a Digital Signature has been applied to the document.

Adobe Reader and Acrobat use a blue ribbon across the top of the document to indicate the document has not been tampered with, and is therefore authentic.

Note: MAC Users - When viewing an official electronic diploma from American University, the software uses Adobe's secure certified PDF technology and therefore may only be viewed using the free Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat 9.0 or higher. The default Mac preview application will not display the document correctly.

Questions or Concerns

If you have any further questions, or need additional help, please email

For all inquiries, we ask that you kindly include the CeDiD number, and the name of the Alumni as it appears on the CeDiploma.

CeDiploma® is a Registered trademark of CeCredential Trust
CeCredential Trust™ and CeDiD™ are trademarks of CeCredential Trust