Jared Pentz Adjunct Professorial Lecturer SIS Faculty
- Bio
Broadly, Jared studies issues around non-state armed actors, political Islam, conflict analysis, political violence, peace processes, peacebuilding, and fragile states. Currently, his prospectus is on the intergroup relations among non-state armed actors in multiparty civil wars. The majority of Jared's academic and practical experience revolves around the Middle East and North Africa, but his research leads him to African and Southeast Asian politics as well. Jared likes to keep his finger on the pulse of regional and global security issues. As those who know him well will tell you, not much time passes in any conversation before he mentions insurgency, Salafism, or Libya.
Before enrolling in the Ph.D. program at Temple University, Jared worked as a government contractor for the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) at the State Department. For 15 months, Jared was a conflict adviser for the Maghreb Team at CSO and covered Libya almost exclusively. Jared also spent over 5 years with the Department of Defense in the U.S. Army as a combat medic for the 5th Special Forces Group. Jared received his B.A. in Political Science from Temple University in 2007 and an M.A. in International Peace and Conflict Resolution from American University in 2016.
- For the Media
- To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.
Summer 2024
SISG-771 Topics in Int'l Neg/Conflt Res: International Negotiation
Fall 2024
SISG-771 Topics in Int'l Neg/Conflt Res
Spring 2025
SISG-771 Topics in Int'l Neg/Conflt Res: Post-War Transitions