Rosario Londono Villa
Adjunct Instructor
School of International Service
- Economist - Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia - MPA from Columbia University - Executive Degree International Finance and Capital Markets- Georgetown University
Rosario Londoño is Sr. Social Innovation Advisor to the CEO and Founder of the ImagineNations Group. She is currently on an external assignment from the IDB Group, where she has gained over 17 years of experience in the design and execution of social innovation interventions in the public and private sector of Latin American and Caribbean. Her primary focus has been working on youth development, entrepreneurship, impact investing and tripartite partnerships that create systemic impact. Ms. Londono is co-founder of the League of Intrapreneurs and volunteers as Head of Global Impact and Innovation for Business for the Planet Group- a Hedge Fund for Good, as well as Adjunct Professor of Intrapreneurship at American University in Washington DC, where she teaches Driving Change Inside Large Organizations.
Ms. Londono is an Economist from Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia with an MPA from Columbia University and Executive Degrees in International Finance and Capital Markets from Georgetown University. She has several continuing education degrees in systems thinking and innovation. She is a member of the E-100 Network and has served on the Board of the Latin American Youth Center in Washington DC and the Many Hats Institute. Ms. Londono is passionate about mindfulness and its role in deprogramming traumatic cellular memories that cause risky behavior. She is an accredited Visionary Leadership Coach, Journey Practitioner and a certificate candidate for The Work ( Byron Katie)- all disciplines are based on the use of inquiry, mindfulness and consciousness to unleash the unlimited potential of human beings. She lives with her family in Washington DC