Thomas Long
Adjunct Professorial Lecturer
School of International Service
Ph.D., International Relations, American University. Dissertation: "Convincing the Colossus: Latin American Leaders Face the United States" -- M.A., International Relations, concentration in U.S. foreign policy, American University -- Bachelor of Journalism, University of Missouri
Languages Spoken
Spanish (fluent), Portuguese (intermediate)
Favorite Spot on Campus
SIS 300
Book Currently Reading
Margaret Macmillan, Paris 1919
Tom Long is a Professorial Lecturer at the School of International Service, where he defended his dissertation in 2013. During the 2014-2015 academic year, he will be a visiting research professor in International Relations at CIDE in Mexico City.
His research focuses on U.S.-Latin American relations and foreign policymaking. His first book manuscript, "Convincing the Colossus: Latin America Faces the United States," employs historical cases to examine the goals and strategies of Latin American leaders vis-a-vis the U.S. It is currently under review at a top university press. He has done fieldwork in Colombia, Panama, Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil. He was a doctoral research fellow at the AU Center for Latin American and Latino Studies.
He has published articles in Diplomatic History and LARR. Additional articles are under review.