'Get Out' Is a Comedy? Russell Williams Explains

Get Out was released earlier this year as a horror movie, but it has now been announced that Universal Pictures it will compete in the comedy category at the 2018 Golden Globes, which has led some to accuse the studio of minimizing the importance of the film's subject.
In an interview on WUSA9 Russell Williams, a distinguished artist in residence at American University School of Communication gives insight into why the studio likely made this decision. He also shares his own thoughts, including that he thinks Get Out has created a new genre.
Jordan Peele, the director of the film, has expressed his frustration with the studio's decision. In an interview on IndieWire, he said, "What the movie is about is not funny. I've had many black people come up to me and say, 'man, this is the movie we've been talking about for a while and you did it.' That's a very powerful thing. For that to be put in a smaller box than it deserves is where the controversy comes from."