Tod Jones Adjunct Professorial Lecturer Literature
- Degrees
- Ph.D. English (UMCP, 1997)
M.A. English (SDSU, 1993)
B.A. Biblical Studies (Harding U, 1989) - Bio
I've been teaching academic writing since 1992, when I was a grad student at San Diego State University. When I moved from coast to coast in 1994, I began teaching both writing and literature at the University of Maryland College Park. There I taught for over twenty years. In 2021 I came to American University.
I've had some success at academic writing. Aside from a few journal articles, I've written two academic books, both histories of movements in philosophy and religion: The Broad Church: A Biography of a Movement (Lexington Books, 2003) is set in 19th century England, and The Cambridge Platonists: A Brief Introduction (University Press of America, 2005) is set in 17th century England. I'm also the editor of The Works of Francis William Newman on Religion: A Critical Edition, 10 vols. (Philosophy Documentation Center, 2009), which provides the final, approved editions of 96 separate titles authored by the freethinking younger brother of Cardinal John Henry Newman. I've also transcribed and edited Letters of Francis William Newman, Chiefly on Religion (PDC, 2009).
For the past two years, my research and writing has focused on the rise of Zionism in the nineteenth century, the subsequent establishment and development of the New Yishuv in Palestine, and the impact that it had upon the indigenous Arab community. The terminal parameter that I’ve set for my writing is the Israeli-Arab armistices of 1949.
- For the Media
- To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.
Fall 2024
WRT-100 College Writing
WRT-100 College Writing
Spring 2025
WRT-100 College Writing