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Simulated Mediation "An Academic Highlight"

PPL Scholars during their recent simulation
Students take part in a simulation on mediation as part of their Introduction to Law course.

The PPL program highlights the value of experiential learning, and the PPL Scholars recently got a first-hand look at mediation.

As part of their cohort-based Introduction to Law course, the scholars have been learning about alternative dispute resolution techniques, including mediation.

To put the theory into practice the Scholars engaged in a multi-hour simulated mediation. Students were assigned clients to represent and employed mediation techniques learned in class to obtain the best outcomes for their clients. The students were surprised by how realistic --and intense--the exercise became.

"The activity was one of my academic highlights of being at AU," said Dash Radosti. "Everyone took it very seriously and it felt like we were in a real negotiation. It confirmed my desire to go onto law school and pursue a career as a civil litigator."

Other students humorously noted the challenges associated with mediation. "Mediation was an interesting experience; shuttle mediation was a lot like the AU shuttle system. You think you know exactly when it's going to show up and what you're getting... 30 minutes later you're standing outside in the cold wishing you had walked to Tenleytown. It was a surprising experience to see just how communication, and holes in communication, can lengthen the mediation process" said Caleb Vinson.