You are here: American University Board of Trustees September 15, 2016 Memo

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Memorandum September 15, 2016

American University Community
Jeff Sine, Chairman, Presidential Search Committee
Early Fall Semester Search Update

I am writing to update the AU community on the AU President's search. We have had a productive summer, the committee met numerous times, and the search is picking up momentum as we head into the fall. The opportunity to become AU's next president has been very favorably received, as reflected in the strong interest by a large number of prospective candidates.

We have been gratified by the caliber of our candidate pool, which reflects the strong and growing moment of our institution.

As a reminder, key information is posted and will be updated on the search website, which identifies the committee; key AU documents; the opportunity statement/job description; and a basic timeline. The site also offers a way to contact the search committee and our Spencer Stuart consultants.

The job description was posted in June and outlines key aspects of what we seek in AU's next president. We made a number of additions and improvements based on community input.

The 17-person committee met numerous times through the summer and worked with our consultants to build a pool of highly qualified candidates. The review of that pool has been ongoing and we have narrowed the top candidates into a smaller group for first round interviews.

These initial interviews with the search committee will now begin. Following this first round screening, we will reduce the pool to a smaller number for second round interviews to take place in mid-October.

For that stage of confidential interviews, we hope to further engage the AU community while fully respecting candidate confidentiality. Details on this next phase will be forthcoming, after we complete the mid-September first round interviews.

We are moving with all deliberate speed on these critical phases of the search, and will strive to make our final recommendations to the Board of Trustees for their selection and announcement over the winter. As these important next steps occur, we will keep the campus informed.

Your perspective is greatly appreciated, so please use the email box on the website for comments or suggestions; use; or contact individual Search Committee members.

We appreciate your input, confidence, and trust throughout the entire process.