Nevada is a 2 1/2-day exam with eight 60-minute essay questions, one 90-minute Multistate Performance Test question, and 200 multiple-choice Multistate Bar Exam questions.
MBE Subjects: Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real Property, Torts.
Nevada Essay Subjects: Agency and Partnership, Community Property, Conflict of Laws, Corporations, Persons and Domestic Relations, Remedies, Uniform Commercial Code (Article 2 and 9), Wills, Estates, Trusts, pleadings and practices under both the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, plus all MBE subjects. Both fundamental legal principles and Nevada law are tested and may embrace more than a single subject.
Past exam questions can be found here.
Multistate Performance Test: "Closed universe" practical questions using instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other reference material supplied by examiners.
MPRE: A scaled score of 85 is required for admission.
Scoring: MBE (weighted 1/3) and written scores (weighted 2/3) are combined; an applicant must have a total scaled score of 75 or higher and a converted score of 75 or higher on at least three written essay questions. This equates to a passing score of 140 on a 200 point scale.
Filing Deadlines: The deadline for applying to the February Bar Exam is October 1; late applications are accepted until December 1. The deadline for applying to the July Bar Exam is March 1; late applications are accepted until May 1.
Fees: Bar exam application fee: $755. Late filing fee: $550. Laptop fee: $150.
Contact Information: 702.382.2200 //