Ohio is a 2 1/2-day exam with twelve 30-minute Ohio Essay Exam questions, two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test questions, and 200 multiple-choice Multistate Bar Exam questions.
Ohio is UBE adopted and will administer its first UBE test in July 2020.
MBE Subjects: Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real Property, Torts.
Ohio Essay Subjects: Business Associations (Agency, Partnership, Corporations), Commercial Transactions (Commercial Paper and Secured Transactions), Legal Ethics, Personal Property, Wills plus all MBE subjects.
Past exam questions can be found here.
Multistate Performance Test: "Closed universe" practical questions using instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other reference material supplied by examiners.
MPRE: A scaled score of 85 is required for admission.
Scoring: The MPT and OEE scores are scaled to the MBE with the MBE weighted 33%, the MPT weighted 13.3%, and the OEE weighted 53.3%. The scaled scores are combined to determine if the applicant has achieved a passing score of 405.
The UBE passing score will be 270.
Filing Deadlines: The deadline for applying to the February Bar Exam is November 1; late applications accepted until December 10. The deadline for applying to the July Bar Exam is April 1; late applications accepted until May 10. Law student registration is required.
Fees: Bar exam application fee: $358. Late fee: $100.
Contact Information: 614.387.9340 www.supremecourt.ohio.gov/Boards/barExam