State Bar of Texas

A CLE activity shall be accredited for MCLE in Texas if it meets the criteria of either A or B below, and also each of the other criteria of C, D and E below:

  1.  The Activity consists of an organized program of legal education dealing with:
  1. substantive or procedural subjects of law
  2. legal skills and techniques
  3. legal ethics2and/or legal professional responsibility
  4. (4.)law practice management


  1. The activity consists of an organized program dealing with alternative dispute resolution
  2. The activity may include coverage of technical, scientific or other bodies of knowledge that are directly related to any of the subjects listed in IIA above.
  3. The instructors or lecturers are either qualified attorneys or judges, or they are experts in the subject area based on their education and background.
  4. The activity is designed for, and targeted to attorneys


 15 hours per reporting period. Reporting period is as follows:

1 year for attorneys licensed two years or more. Initial compliance period for newly licensed attorneys is two years. 

  1. Every member must complete 15 hours of continuing legal education during each compliance year as provided by this article. No more than three credit hours may be given for completion of self-study activities during any compliance year.
  2. At least three of the 15 hours must be devoted to legal ethics/professional responsibility subjects. One of the three legal ethics/professional responsibility hours may be completed through self-study.

60 minutes per credit.

Docs required: See Requirements

Application deadline: 30 days prior to the activity

Application fee: N/A

Application formats: Online application

Length of reporting period: 1 year for attorneys licensed two years or more. Initial compliance period for newly licensed attorneys is two years. 

Compliance date: Last day of birth month

Reporting date: Last day of birth month