Career Services for Foreign-Trained LL.M. Students
The Office of Career & Professional Development (OCPD) partners with students and alumni on all aspects of their career development. Professionals specialized in advising foreign LLM students and alumni on issues unique to foreign lawyers entering the job market in the United States promote LL.M. candidates to potential employers and provides LL.M. candidates with a wide range of job search, career planning, and professional development services, including:
One on one career counseling appointments and drop-in meetings
Focusing on: self - assessment; professionalism; resume, cover letter, and professional correspondence review; networking and informational interview; mock interview; and an effective job search strategy.
Please schedule your appointment online via CareerLink at least 24 hours in advance.*
Drop in hours are available on Thursdays.*
Small group workshops on resumes, cover letters, job search strategies, interviewing and networking skills
Speaker series and events, including presentations from distinguished alumni
Preparation for students participating in interview programs, specifically the International Student Interview Program
Legal employers worldwide participate in the Annual International Student Interview Program held at the New York University School of Law at the beginning of the spring semester. The one-day program brings together more than a 1000 foreign-trained law students with more than 130 employers with positions in approximately 35 countries, including the U.S.
Career Connection Newsletter
This bi-monthly Newsletter contains list of jobs and internship opportunities in the USA and abroad, and networking events happening in Washington, DC. Access the latest issue, and the previous issue.
CareerLink: Online database of job postings for students and alumni
To learn about the immigration requirements, please attend one of the information workshops organized by the Office of International Student and Scholars Services: OPT Info Session and Employment for F-1 visa Students. For more information please visit the ISSS page.