Transactional Negotiation Team

Credit & Pre/Corequisite Courses 

Competitors may apply for competition credits for the semester in which they compete. To apply for competition credits, click HERE to download the Registrar’s “Independent Study - For Competitions” form. Any questions should be directed to the Registrar. 

Transactional  Law  Society  competitors  are  required  to  take  either  a  prerequisite  course  before  the  semester  in  which  they  compete  or  a  corequisite  course  during  the  semester  in  which  they  compete.    This  list  is  subject  to  change.    If  this  list  should  change,  competitors  shall  be  notified  within  a  reasonable  time  frame.

List  of  Prerequisite  Courses:

  • Alternate  Dispute  Resolution  (614-001)
  • E?Commerce  Law  &  Drafting  (846-001)
  • Contract  Drafting  (849-001)
  • Corporate  Drafting  (849-002)
  • International  Business  Transactions  (661-001)*

List  of  Corequisite  Courses:

  • Lawyer  Bargaining  (651-001/2)
  • International  Business  Negotiations  (990-001)
  • Intellectual  Property  Licensing  and  Technology  Transactions  (962A-001)
    • Only  applies  to Intellectual  Property  Law
  • International  Business  Transactions  (661-001)*

*Only  applies  to  course  taught  by  Professor  K.  Anderson