Founded in 2006, the Latina/o Alumni Association of the Washington College of Law (LAAW) is a volunteer membership organization with the primary goal of supporting the academic performance of Latina/o law students at WCL through workshops, mentorship, and scholarships. LAAW also seeks to promote the professional development of Latina/o WCL alumni by providing networking opportunities, career advice, and job leads. Lastly, LAAW works to recruit and retain Latina/o faculty to WCL.
Since 2008, LAAW has presented the LAAW Bar Award to a deserving WCL graduating student. Each year, at least one award is presented to offset the fees associated with the bar preparation courses, application fees, and sitting for the bar.
All graduating law students from WCL are encouraged to apply every Spring.
Past LAAW Bar Award Recipients
2016: Christina Potter, J.D.
2015: Karyna Valdes, Esq., Associate at Thompson Hine.
2014: Hannah Pagán, Esq., Corporate Counsel at Obsidian, A Cadmus Company; and Sonia Torrico, Esq., Staff Attorney at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
2013: Xavier E. Albán, Esq., Assistant City Attorney at the City of Miami; Janyll Canals, Esq., Staff Attorney at Advocates for Children of New York; and Catherine Cone, Esq., Staff Attorney, Fair Housing Project at the Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs.
2012: Daniela X. Cornejo, Esq., Consular Adjudicator for Foreign Service at the U.S. Department of State; and Lucia Macias, Esq., Immigration Attorney at McVey Mullery & Dulberg.
2011: No Award Presented.
2010: Jennifer Jaimes, Esq., Supervising Attorney in Pro Bono Programs at Kids in Need of Defense (KIND); and Elvira Pereda, Esq., Attorney at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
2009: Jennifer Molayem, Esq., Attorney at the Habeas Corpus Resource Center.
2008: Fabiola Carrion, Esq., Senior Attorney and Director, Data and Accountability Project, National Health Law Program.
LAAW inaugurated the first annual Bar Award in 2008