Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes
Adjunct Professor
WCL Adjunct Faculty
Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes is the Director of Centro de Estudios de Derechos, Justicia y Sociedad (DeJuSticia). He is also a professor of Constitutional Law, Human Rights and Theory of the State in Universidad Nacional de Bogotá, where he is the Director of the Master’s Program in Law. Previously, Mr. Uprimny was Auxiliary Judge the Constitutional Court in Colombia. He has published many articles regarding democracy, administration of justice, conflict resolution and human rights. Among his publications there are: “El laboratorio colombiano: narcotráfico y administración de justicia en Colombia”; “Legitimidad y conveniencia del control constitucional de la economía”; “Violence, Power and Collective Action: A Comparison between Bolivia and Colombia” (Violencia, Poder y Acción Colectiva: Una Comparación entre Bolivia y Colombia), and “Tribunal Constitucional e emancipacao social na Colombia” (Corte Constitucional y emancipación social en Colombia). He is also the co-author of “¿Justicia para todos? Derechos sociales, sistema judicial y democracia en Colombia” (2006); co-author and editor of “¿Justicia transicional sin transición? Verdad, justicia y reparación para Colombia” (2006) and “Libertad de información y derechos fundamentales en Colombia” (2006). Professor Uprimny holds a Ph.D. in Political Economy from the University of Amiens Picardie, a DSU in Sociology of Law from the University of Paris II, and a master's degree in Social Economy of Development from the University of Paris.