Project on Addressing Prison Rape

New York

  1. The Project Addressing Prison Rape was unable to locate state-specific policy related to housing transgender inmates. If you have access to this language, please email
  2. Language:
    1. NY State Department of Correctional Services requires inmates to be placed in correctional facilities according to their birth sex and not according to the gender they identify with. 


  1. NYC Dept. of Corrections Policy opened a Housing Unit for Transgender Unit in 2014 for Women at Rikers promising to provide transgender women with specialized housing and services. Guards for the facility received special training to properly deal with transgender inmates. However, the facility was closed in 2015 for renovations and has not been re-opened.
  2. Now, trans-gender inmates in NYC are placed at the Transgender Housing Unit (THU) at the Manhattan Detention Complex.
    1. DOC policy for placement at the THU:
      1. Placement is on a voluntary basis;
      2. Inmate must fill out an application, which is reviewed by the PREA coordinator, NYC Health & Hospital PREA coordinator, and the warden.
      3. If an inmate is fearful of their safety, the inmate will be placed in protective custody until the application process is finalized.

“No one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens but its lowest ones.”

Nelson Mandela
American University Washington College of Law, Project Addressing Prison Rape