Project on Addressing Prison Rape

Handbooks - Adult Prisons and Jails

Breaking the Code of Silence: Correctional Officers' Handbook on Identifying and Addressing Sexual Misconduct
By: Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi

This handbook aims to educate correctional professionals at all levels on:

(1) why correctional staff and administrators need to be concerned about staff sexual misconduct with offenders
(2) how agency culture and the workplace environment influence staff sexual misconduct
(3) the tools that will help identify and address staff sexual misconduct
(4) the consequences of staff sexual misconduct with offenders
(5) the investigative process that should follow an allegation of staff sexual misconduct
(6) how correctional staff members can keep the workplace safe

If you are using this handbook as a training tool and want to give a pre and post test, we have developed one specifically for this publication. Click here for the test.

Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders

By: Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi
[forthcoming January 2015]

This is a handbook for correctional professionals charged with investigating staff sexual miscondcut in correctional facilities. It focuses on investigative techniques, investigative policies, state criminal laws, and administrative and criminal sanctions.