Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Indefinite Reelection Under the ACHR: A Historic Opportunity for the Inter-American Court to Rule

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Speakers for Ensuring Effective Protection of women's rights
Speakers for Ensuring Effective Protection of women's rights

Event Recording

Ramiro Orias Arredondo, Program Officer, Foundation for Due Process of Law (DLPF)

Marvin Carvajal Pérez, Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Costa Rica (UCR); and Senior Counsel of the Law Firm Batalla, San José, Costa Rica

David Lobatón Palacios, Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; and DPLF Legal Consultant

Joaquín Mejía Rivera, Researcher of the Reflection, Research and Communication Team of the Compañía de Jesús, Honduras; and Professor at the Inter-American Academy of Human Rights, Mexico  

Katya Salazar, Executive Director, Due Process of Law Foundation

Claudia Martin, Moderator, Co-Director, Academy of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University, Washington College of Law