Partner with the Civil Society Coalition for the Right to Research in International Copyright
Deadline: October 30, 2021

The Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property's project on the Right to Research in International Copyright is seeking academic and civil society partners.
Launched at the start of 2021, this project aims to define and implement rights to research within international copyright law and policy. We produce high-impact research, provide training to a global network of change makers, and connect an academic network to the work of global and domestic organizations that represent researchers, libraries, museums, archives, educational and research institutions.
We are seeking two types of partners - organizers of local stakeholder groups and legal experts familiar with the history of copyright laws in their countries.
local organizers:
We seek organizations interested in organizing local stakeholder groups to promote evidence based domestic and international copyright policy reform that promotes the rights of researchers and research institutions. We will hold a training session to share existing research. Partners will organize a stakeholder meeting to share research with the community and a meeting with government policy experts to share research with policy makers.
Legal Experts
We would like to partner with legal experts able to complete questionnaires on the evolution of copyright exceptions in their countries. We have two questionnaires. One is a short questionnaire on copyright barriers to text- and data mining. The other is a long (21 page) survey on the history of copyright user rights covering many areas, including research, education, libraries, personal use, and uses related to communications technologies. We seek experts who can complete either or both of these.
Future Projects
Partners will receive a small stipend for their work, and they will be invited to partner on future projects over the next three years that may include preparation of case studies on the work of researchers and the institutions that support them.
To apply to partner with us on our Right to Research in International Copyright project - APPLY HERE.
The deadline for applications is October 30, 2021.