- Report 1: Victim Participation Before the International Criminal Court
- Report 2: Interlocutory Appellate Review of Early Decisions by the International Criminal Court
- Report 3: The Gravity Threshold of the International Criminal Court
- Report 4: Protecting the Rights of Future Accused During the Investigation Stage of International Criminal Court Operations
- Report 5: The Confirmation of Charges Process the International Criminal Court
- Report 6: Victim Participation at the Case Stage of Proceedings
- Report 7: Witness Proofing at the International Criminal Court
ICC Legal Analysis and Education Project
WCRO Reports on Early Issues Before the International Criminal Court
In 2007 the WCRO launched a new initiative, the ICC Legal Analysis and Education Project, aimed at producing public, impartial, legal analyses of critical issues raised by the Court’s early decisions. This project has benefited from the insights of an Advisory Committee comprised of the following experts in international law:
- Siri Frigaard, Chief Public Prosecutor for the Norwegian National Authority for Prosecution of Organized and Other Serious Crimes;
- Justice Richard Goldstone, former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda (ICTR);
- Justice Unity Dow, Commissioner of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), member of the ICJ's Executive Committee and former judge of the Botswana High Court;
- Chief Justice Phillip Rapoza of the Massachusetts Appeals Court and former Chief International Judge serving as Coordinator of the Special Panels for Serious Crimes in East Timor;
- Juan Mendez, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment and former Special Advisor on Prevention to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court;
- until her appointment as head of the United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict, Judge Mary McGowan Davis, former Acting New York State Supreme Court Judge and Board Member of the International Judicial Academy and the American Association for the International Commission of Jurists;
- until his election as a judge to the Appeals Chamber of the ICC in December 2007, Daniel Nsereko, University of Botswana Professor of International Law and former Uganda Government Delegate to the Assembly of States Parties to the Statute of the International Criminal Court;
- until her appointment as Co-Chair of the American Society of International Law Task Force on US Policy toward the ICC in the fall of 2008, Judge Patricia Wald, former Judge of the ICTY;
- until her appointment as International Reserve Judge of the Pre-Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) in February 2009, Judge Florence Mumba, former Judge of the Supreme Court of Zambia and former judge of the ICTY;
- and until her appointment as Deputy, Office of War Crimes Issues for the U.S. Department of State in October 2009, Diane Orentlicher, WCL Professor and former Special Counsel, Open Society Justice Initiative.
We welcome your comments on these reports and invite you to complete a brief online survey.
List of Reports
Please click here for a list of reports with summaries. Individual reports can also be accessed directly using the links below.
- Report 8: The Relationship Between the International Criminal Court and the United Nations
- Report 9: The Relevance of "A Situation" to the Admissibility and Selection of Cases Before the ICC
- Report 10: Defining the Case Against an Accused Before the ICC: Whose Responsibility Is It?
- Report 11: The Practice of Cumulative Charging at the ICC
- Report 12: The Case-Based Reparations Scheme at the International Criminal Court
- Report 13: Modes of Liability and the Mental Element: Analyzing the Early Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court
- Report 14: Expediting Proceedings at the International Criminal Court
- Report 15: Ensuring Effective and Efficient Representation of Victims at International Criminal Court
- Report 16: Investigative Management, Strategies, and Techniques of the International Criminal Court's Office of the Prosecutor
- Report 17: Regulation 55 and the Rights of the Accused at the International Criminal Court
- Report 18: Obtaining Victim Status for Purposes of Participating in Proceedings at the International Criminal Court
- Report 19: The Confirmation of Charges Process at the ICC: A Critical Assessment and Recommendations for Change