4th National People of Color
Legal Scholarship Conference
People of Color and the Future of Democracy
March 21 - 24, 2019
American University Washington College of Law
Washington, D.C.
The conference will be held March 21 through 24, 2019, at American University Washington College of Law and promises to be the largest gathering of legal scholars of color in history, with an expected attendance of over 500 law professors and scholars in allied fields from across the United States and the world. This is the fourth such gathering. The previous three gatherings have taken place at roughly eight-year intervals and have involved the participation of the six regional People of Color Legal Scholarship Conferences (the Mid-Atlantic, Midwestern, Northeast, Southwest, Southwest, and Western), as well as various national POC and/or progressive legal scholarship organizations, including the Society of American Law Teachers, Latino/a Critical Legal Scholarship (LatCrit), the Conference of Asian Pacific American Law Faculty (CAPALF), ClassCrits, eCRT, and other prominent groups.
The 2019 conference theme is “People of Color and the Future of Democracy.” We find ourselves at a critical moment, both as a nation and as a community of legal scholars of color interested in the future of our democracy.
The Fourth National People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference will include a pipeline program for law faculty aspirants, as well as resources for junior faculty of color to present their work in supportive workshops. The conference is expected to feature over 80 panels and colloquia, and various plenary keynote addresses and discussions featuring nationally prominent figures in law, legal education, and policymaking.
NPOC19 Publishing Partners – Calls for Papers
You are invited to submit articles for possible publication with one of our eight NPOC19 Publishing Partners. Read More