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Entertainment and Media Alumni Alliance Hosts Launch Party in DC

By Carlita Pitts

EMAA DC Launch

On May 14, American University celebrated the expansion of its Entertainment and Media Alumni Alliance to Washington, DC. A launch party for Eagles with careers in film, music, television, theater, news, and public communication was held on the rooftop terrace of 20 F Street NW Conference Center and was attended by nearly 200 alumni.

This was the third event of its type, hosted by EMAA alumni and featuring a cocktail reception and lively networking. This event also included special remarks by Dean Jeff Rutenbeck, Caty Borum Chattoo, executive-in-residence at the School of Communication, and Betsy Fischer Martin, SPA/BA '92, SOC/MA ’96, former producer of NBC’s Meet the Press and executive in residence at AU’s School of Public Affairs.

Keynote speaker Betsy Fischer Martin said, “I owe a lot of my career to AU and Nebraska Avenue.” Martin, who has earned numerous awards, including two Emmys, attributes her success to the valuable experience she had at AU. She praised AU for building networks to establish opportunities for students and said that EMAA’s launch in DC is critical in bridging the gap between students and alumni.

Designed to be a bi-coastal professional network for AU graduates, the Entertainment and Media Alumni Alliance fosters the university’s entertainment and media alumni community through training, practice, and professional development via increased opportunities for meaningful engagement in Los Angeles, New York, and now Washington, DC.

The alliance’s goal is to celebrate the professional achievements of the AU community, increase the visibility of American University, and promote a strong network of Eagles. Whether you are interested in career connections, social events, advocacy, student mentorship, exposure, or simply a unique way to give back, EMAA is a great place to start.

The Office of Alumni Relations is seeking volunteers in the Los Angeles, New York, and DC areas. Alumni who are interested in planning and designing in-person events, creating social media buzz, and executing EMAA’s engagement strategy should email or complete the alumni volunteer form online.

For more information about the Entertainment and Media Alumni Alliance, please visit our website and connect with EMAA on LinkedIn and Facebook.

View all photos from the EMAA launch party on our Flickr page.