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School of Communication
(202) 885-2058
McKinley Building

School of Communication
4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20016


Janet Ioli Publishes Book on Organizational Ailments

Janet Ioli

In The Cure: Remedies for the 5 Ailments that Plague Organizations, Janet Ioli, adjunct professor of the Key Executive Leadership Programs, identifies five common organizational ailments--Robot Syndrome, "In No One We Trust" Toxicity, Yes-itis, Blame Disorder, and Energy Breakdown. Drawing upon her 25 years of real experience as an executive coach, leadership and organizational development professional, professor, and as an executive leader herself, Ioli provides real world insight and advice to identify and treat the symptoms for each.

"Nothing outlined in The Cure is new or complicated," shared Ioli. "My intent with The Cure is to ignite a fire within you. I want this book to be your wake-up call, to show you how leadership inertia and your day to day behavioral choices affect the health of your organization with long-term and far-reaching effects on employee engagement, productivity, and overall results. You already know what it takes to be a great leader. The question this book poses is 'are you are role modeling those behaviors?' I am convinced that inside every leader are the answers to the ailments rampant in their organizations."