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Student Life

Sophomores’ Tips for Incoming Freshmen

By Patrick Bradley

AU's Orientation Leaders have sound advice for new students.

AU's Orientation Leaders have sound advice for new students. Photo by Patrick Bradley.

Coming from newly minted sophomores to the incoming flock of AU Eagles, here are some need-to-know tips on what to bring to college and what to do once you’re here. Welcome, Class of 2018!

1. Don’t bring too many things. “At the end of the year, you have to pack everything up, and it’s not fun to have ten boxes you have to store somewhere.”—Misha Sindyukov, School of Communication, journalism major

2. Stay healthy. “Getting sick takes you out of class and social stuff. It’s probably the worst thing that can happen to you in college. So, take care of yourself. Eat well, get sleep, and be happy.” —Joe Flannery, School of International Service, international studies major

3. Leave any baggage from home at home. “Don’t bring problems, burdens, and all that kind of stuff with you to college. It’s a time to start over and leave all that behind because it will help create a more positive, focused energy for your first semester.” —Michael McArdle, School of Communication, public communication major

4. Consider the “essentials.” “Bring a therapeutic mattress pad, and bring Halloween costumes. They’re so expensive!” —Misha Sindyukov, School of Communication, journalism major

5. Work nearby. “I know money is a big issue. Some of us might worry about how to pay for those movie tickets or going to Panera constantly. There are dozens of on-campus job opportunities that are very rewarding and can really ease your money pains.” —Bryan Paz, School of Public Affairs & School of Communication, political science and public communication major

6. Ryan tho. “Posters. Always bring posters…I had a Ryan Gosling poster, and then my roommate took it. Well, she brought it in the first place.” —Lea Silverstein, School of Communication, public communication major

7. Bring an iron. “I got yelled at by my mom because none of my clothes were ironed. You’ll need it because you will be either going out to an interview or a fancy event, and you will want to have your shirt ironed.” —Patrick Kavanagh, School of Communication and College of Arts & Sciences, broadcast journalism and musical theater major

8. Keep an open mind . . . and door. “I just left my door open, and I met my best friend in the whole world just from leaving my door open...That small stuff really changed a lot for me. I didn’t have a rough transition because of it.” —Emily Giarratana, Kogod School of Business, business, language, and culture major

9. Prepare for extremes. “Bring a snow jacket, bring snow boots. That is my biggest piece of advice. It does snow here.” —Ariel Shvartsman, School of International Service, international studies major