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Packard Foundation Establishes “Reilly Endowment” at SPA

William K. Reilly

William K. Reilly speaks at a Center for Environmental Policy event.

The School of Public Affairs at American University is pleased to announce that its Center for Environmental Policy has received a $500,000 philanthropic grant from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. This grant, made in honor of William K. Reilly, will establish the William K. Reilly Endowment for Environmental Governance and Leadership ("Reilly Endowment").  The Packard Foundation gift to the center is a tribute to the substantial contributions Mr. Reilly has made to environmental and energy policy in the United States and globally, as well as to his 15 years of service to the Packard Foundation board.

"The Reilly Endowment honors Bill Reilly, one of the nation's most prominent environmental leaders, and greatly expands the capacities and potential of SPA's Center for Environmental Policy," shares Barbara Romzek, Dean of the School of Public Affairs.  "We are very grateful that the Packard Foundation has made this significant investment in our efforts to establish the Center as a national leader in environmental policy education and dialogue."

The new Reilly Endowment will provide leadership support for environmental policy initiatives at the Center for Environmental Policy and School of Public Affairs. The endowment will enhance the Center's capacity to engage faculty in applied policy research, feature distinguished speakers, and host forums on key environmental policy concerns. The Packard Foundation grant also serves as a leadership challenge gift in the university's effort to secure additional endowed funds to advance center programs and research activities.

"Much like the Packard Foundation, we have benefited greatly from Bill Reilly's leadership and guidance as the Center's vision and programming has evolved," comments Dan Fiorino, director of the Center for Environmental Policy. "The Packard Foundation's gift is a fitting tribute to his leadership, and will greatly benefit the Center as we expand our national programming and reach."

To learn more about the Reilly Endowment and the Center for Environmental Policy, please visit or contact Dan Fiorino (202-885-3864) or Dan Mackeben, director of development, School of Public Affairs (202-885-3968).