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2015 SPA Award Recipients

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On April 28, the School of the Public Affairs held the 2015 SPA Awards ceremony. These awards aim to honor those faculty, staff, and students, who exemplify outstanding scholarship and service to the SPA community. These members of the SPA community went beyond the norm to achieve their remarkable levels of performance and service. SPA thanks each of the recipients for their service and congratulates them on their outstanding achievements.

Below is a complete list of recipients.


Outstanding Scholarship (Undergraduate): Gabe Menchaca
Outstanding Scholarship (Graduate): Tofigh Maboudi
Outstanding Service (Undergraduate): Joelle Appenrodt
Outstanding Service (Graduate): Joanne Conelley


Outstanding Collaboration: Eric Fleddermann
Outstanding Innovation: Dave Baratta
Lifetime Service to SPA Students: Carl Cook
Outstanding Service to the SPA Community: Anne Schmitt


EWI Outstanding Contribution: Liz Suhay
Outstanding Scholarship: Howard McCurdy
Outstanding Teaching (Term): Chana Barron
Outstanding Teaching (Tenure Line): Dick Bennett
Outstanding Adjuncts: Bill Shields & Don Martin
Outstanding Service: Candy Nelson