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AU School of Public Affairs
(202) 885-2940
Kerwin Hall

AU School of Public Affairs
4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20016


#SPA80for80: Adam Rosenblatt, SPA/BA ’06 and SPA/MA ’07

Adam Rosenblatt

Adam Rosenblatt understands the value of data-driven decision making in today’s political and corporate arenas. He discovered and refined this passion for “using research to solve problems” while a student at the School of Public Affairs.

As a Senior Director at Penn Schoen Berland, Rosenblatt has led complex public opinion studies for clients facing challenging dilemmas in the boardroom and the ballot box: from Federal agencies to Fortune 500 companies, and everything in between.

Working for one of the premier research-based strategy and message consulting firms, Rosenblatt says he uses the skills he honed in SPA courses and projects to provide his clients with a competitive advantage. He says it’s a “dream job that harnesses what I learned at AU, both inside and outside the classroom.”

Rosenblatt has overseen behavioral, attitudinal, and messaging studies employing research techniques ranging from qualitative focus groups to quantitative studies to “assess challenges through a zero-sum mindset: if you’re not winning, you’re losing.”

His accomplishments have been recognized by numerous awards from the American Association of Political Consultants, Campaigns and Elections magazine, and through victories in sectors including healthcare, technology, politics, and business.

Rosenblatt credits his success to three SPA programs in particular: the Leadership Program, the Campaign Management Institute, and the Public Affairs and Advocacy (Lobbying) Institute. He says these intensive courses “combined traditional classroom learning and real-world scenarios,” which well prepared him to pursue a career where he serves as strategic partner to his clients “charting out a research-driven approach towards victory, whatever the situation.”


“I hang both my AU diplomas proudly in my office and I feel the value of my degrees have grown every year. Knowing the quality of AU’s programs, I always make sure to recruit from SPA.”