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SPA Executive in Residence Receives Prestigious Award from National Image Inc.


Malone at far right. Jose Rodriguez, CEO of National Image, to his right.

Patrick S. Malone, director of SPA’s Key Executive Leadership Program, received the Equity and Excellence Hispanic Employment Program Manager Award from National Image Inc. during the group’s annual conference Sept. 22-25 in Houston.

The meeting’s keynote speaker, Malone spoke on “Imagining Leadership.” National Image is a nationwide organization that promotes Hispanic employment in the federal government through education and training, leadership development, and the advancement of civil rights.

“It was an honor to be even a small part of the National Image Conference,” Malone said. “The fine men and women of Image, all of which are volunteers, are making tremendous strides. Their work in diversity and inclusiveness is making the public-sector workplace better for everyone!”

Malone is an Executive-in-Residence at the School of Public Affairs, where he teaches courses in public-sector leadership, executive problem-solving, organizational analysis, action learning, leadership ethics, and public administration and policy. He is a frequent guest lecturer on leadership and organizational dynamics in state and federal agencies, professional associations, and universities. 

Malone spent 22 years in the Department of Defense, where he served in a number of senior leadership and policy roles. His most recent publications include “Thinking Up,” “Selfies in the Workplace: Narcissists and the Public Manager,” “Making Assumptions? Try the Power of Inquiry,” “The Challenges That Set Public Service Apart” and “Enhancing Your Leadership by Tapping into Staff Attitudes.” He earned his doctorate at American University.