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SPA Brings Strong Presence to PMRA Conference

PMRA News Image 2015

The School of Public Affairs is preparing for a strong presence at this week’s Public Management Research Association (PMRA) Conference, which is hosted by the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota, June 11-13.

The conference will feature the works of researchers in the United States and around the world in the arena of public policy management. Scholars recognize the PMRA Conference to be one of the leading gatherings in the field of public policy.

Of special note, SPA will support the conference with live social media coverage, curation and daily wrap-up emails. You can sign up for daily wrap-up emails here.

SPA faculty members and PhD students presenting at PMRA Conference include:

  • SPA Senior Associate Dean Vicky Wilkins – Policy Implementation; The Significance of Gender
  • Professor Jocelyn Johnston - Contracting
  • Professor Anna Amirkhanyan - Human Services Networks; Implementation
  • Professor Lewis Faulk - Performance Management
  • Professor Steven Putansu - Performance through Collaboration
  • Ph.D. candidate Nadeen Makhlouf - Governance in International Context
  • Ph.D. candidate Amanda Stewart - Human Resource Management: Recruitment, Hiring, Training and Appraisal
  • Ph.D. candidate Matthew Vanderschuere - Leadership and Performance
  • SPA Dean Barbara Romzek – Plenary: The State and Public Management

During the conference, Jocelyn Johnston, professor of public administration and policy, will join the PMRA board as a newly elected member. At the same time, Anna Amirkhanyan, associate professor of public administration and policy, will complete her three-year term on the PMRA board.

“My thanks and congratulations go to Anna and to Jocelyn for dedicating their time and talents to the PMRA Board,” said Barbara Romzek, dean of AU’s School of Public Affairs. “And I am thrilled to see our faculty and PhD student presence at the conference. I look forward to an exciting meeting.”