Alumni Profile
Fruits and Veggies, Oh my!

photo courtesy of Devin Ellsworth
Devin Ellsworth, CAS/MS '14, turned a dream into a reality when he left the job hunt to open up his own business, Plantiful Health, a health and wellness blog and health coaching service dedicated to promoting plant-based diets. The primary service offered by Plantiful Health is personalized health coaching. However, Devin's blog and website offer great insights and information.
"Working with a Plantiful Health coach differs from other health and wellness services in that nothing is prescriptive," Devin says. "I never tell anyone that they have to do a certain thing to be healthy. We are all different, and the job of a health coach is to help you find solutions that fit into your lifestyle."
Devin turned to Plantiful Health when he struggled to find a job that played on his passions. He had always wanted to start his own business, and after graduating with his master's in health promotion management from AU in May, he was looking to make a bigger contribution in the health and wellness field.
"As I looked for jobs, I was struggling to find something that truly awoke all of my passions, so I decided to create my own!" he says. I have been health coaching friends and family for years and have been helping people transition to a plant-based diet, and I figured the best way to continue to do this was to open myself up to a wider variety of clients."
Devin's fear of creating an online company passed shortly after he launched his website. That feeling was replaced by excitement to get to work promoting the message. While the company is only a few weeks old, his clients are already seeing results.
"Just last night I had a session with a client whom I have worked with for a couple months. While my personal drive is to help clients focus on health over the number on the scale, I was still very excited to hear she has already lost 40 pounds and is feeling much better after making significant changes to her diet! That is certainly motivating, but overall I am just happy she is feeling much better," said Devin.
Devin's goal is to help people realize that what they put into their bodies has a profound impact on how they feel. He says, "By making better choices, we can transform not just our body but our mind, spirit, attitude, outlook—everything!"
Devin has big plans for Plantiful Health, saying he would like to offer a wider array of products that allow more people to engage with the message. These new products may range from online health and wellness classes, 10-day challenges, cookbooks, online forums, and more. Devin would also like to expand his in-person work to hospitals and clinics.