Hye Young Shin Senior Professorial Lecturer World Languages and Cultures
- Degrees
- PhD, George Mason University
MA, American University
MA, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
BA, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies - Bio
- Dr. Shin received her PhD in Multilingual and Multicultural Education from George Mason University and Master’s degree in TESOL from American University. As a native Korean, she has taught both heritage and non-heritage students in a variety of settings, including colleges, U.S. government facilities, Korean heritage schools, and K-12 public schools. To complement her classroom instruction, she has developed her own Korean language educational website and an online curriculum for upper level Korean in Fairfax County Public Schools. She has worked with Korean heritage school teachers while doing community outreach programs, providing several teachers’ workshops and serving on the Education Advisory Committee for the Washington Association of Korean Schools. She is an ACTFL-certified Korean OPI tester and WPT rater. In addition, she holds a Virginia State Post Graduate Professional License (Korean and ESOL) for preK-12. She is the co-author of Epic Korean, the Korean textbook series which is organized based on the ACTFL’s World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages in the 5C goal areas, with links between communication and culture applied in making connections and comparisons. Her current research interests include retaining heritage language and culture among Korean immigrants, heritage language teacher education, language teachers’ identity studies, and Korean language pedagogy.
- For the Media
- To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.
Fall 2024
KOR-102 Korean Elementary I
KOR-302 Advanced Korean I
KOR-450 Current Issues in Korean: Contemporary Korean Society
Spring 2025
KOR-205 Visual Culture in Korea
KOR-430 Business Korean
Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities
Selected Publications
Moon, J., Cho, H., Shin, H.Y., Lee, J.H. (2024). Topics in Korean Language and Culture: Volume One (1st ed.). Routledge.
Lee, J., Cho, H., Shin, H. Y. (2021). Epic Korean Student Textbook, Workbook, Teachers Edition Level 1. Published by Foundation for Korean Language & Culture in USA. Seoul, Korea: Hawoo Publishing.
Cho, H., Lee, J., Shin, H. Y. (2021). Epic Korean Student Textbook, Workbook, Teachers Edition Level 2. Published by Foundation for Korean Language & Culture in USA. Seoul, Korea: Hawoo Publishing.
Shin, H., Cho, H., Lee, J. (2021). Epic Korean Student Textbook, Workbook, Teachers Edition Level 3. Published by Foundation for Korean Language & Culture in USA. Seoul, Korea: Hawoo Publishing.
Shin, H., Lee, J., and Cho, H. (2021). Epic Korean Student Textbook, Workbook, Teachers Edition Level 4. Published by Foundation for Korean Language & Culture in USA. Seoul, Korea: Hawoo Publishing.
Journal Articles
Shin, H. Y. & Wong, S. (2022). Conflicting Pedagogical Approaches in the Korean Heritage Language Classroom: A Call for Change in Professional Development. Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, Vol 33.45-120.
Jung, Y., Choi, S., Shin, H.Y., Steeley, S. Haley, M.H. (2022) Korean teacher’s perceptions of embedding pop culture into classrooms, NECTFL Review, 88, 37-53.
Yun, S. & Shin, H.Y. (2021) Social justice-oriented activity models for young learner’s biliteracy development in a Korean language classroom, NABE Journal of Research and Practice, 11, 13-21.
Choi, S., Jung, Y., Steeley, S., Shin, H. Y & Haley, M.H. (2020). Examining a lens of Korean language teachers, Academic Exchange Quarterly, 24(4), 1-7.
Shin, H.Y. & Haley, M.H. (2017). A five-day lesson plan for level 1 high school Korean. The Korean Language in America. vol 21, 262-279.
Shin, H. Y. & Wong,S.(2017). Formation of Korean heritage school teachers’ transnational identity. Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, Vol 21, 127-144.
Shin, H.Y., Hall Haley, M., & Eqab, S. (2016). An examination of Korean heritage school teachers’ perceptions on teaching and learning after an intensive summer professional development program. Journal of Korean Language Education. Vol 27, 203-220.
Im, C. & Shin, H.Y. (2014). Awareness and applications of corrective feedbacks in Korean heritage language classrooms. Geogwa Gyoyuk Jornal. Vol 18, 73-84.
Im, C., Suh. H., Jung. Y., Shin, H.Y., & Choi, J. (2013). Status of Korean School Instructors and Measures to Develop their Professionalism in the US. The International Network for Korean Language and Culture. Vol 10, 247-274.
Shin, H. Y. (2011). Images of Asian males in American mass media: prejudice and problems. Journal of Korean Studies Research. Vol 36, 33-57.
Edited Book chapter
Shin H.Y. & Im C. (2020). Self-Study in Korea. In: Kitchen J. et al. (eds) 2nd International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education. Springer
Shin. H.Y. (2012) Korean-Wave in the U.S: Understanding and Forecast, Media and Cultures, 118-147.
Policy Brief
Shin, H. Y. & Yun, S. (2022). Obtaining Credits for Korean Language Abilities in Public Educational Systems. Policy brief for The National Association for Korean Schools (NAKS), Washington D.C.
Shin, H. Y., Lee, H.Y., Lee, D., Yoo.H. & Yeon. K.S. (2018). A Study on Strengthening the Korean Language Education Focusing on Overseas Koreans. Policy brief for Ministry of Education, Seoul, South Korea.