Marriya Schwarz Adjunct Instructor Literature
- Degrees
- BA (Hons) in American Studies and Creative Writing, William & Mary, 2020
MFA in Creative Writing, American University, 2023 - Bio
Marriya Schwarz is a professor in the Writing Studies program at AU. Her primary focus of research is the intersection between language and history, particularly in the area of book history. She is also a member of the Phi Beta Kappa honor society.
In creative endeavors, Marriya Schwarz focuses on comedy, fiction, and non-fiction. She has worked in TV development, working for showrunner Chitra Sampath, and has helped sell television shows to Amazon, FX, and Netflix. She has also written and worked for comedian Sammy Obeid. Schwarz also works as a pop culture freelance writer, primarily working for Zimbio where she worked on pop culture articles, quizzes, and managed their successful TikTok account. She is also the current non-fiction editor of Folio Literary Magazine, the MFA-run literary magazine at AU. Schwarz is particularly passionate about digital media, running podcasts, online shows, online magazines, and TikToks in her free time, which trickles down into her teaching where she focuses on multimodal composition. She has words in Slate, Slackjaw Humor, Grace & Gravity, and Women’s eNews.
- For the Media
- To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.
Spring 2024
LIT-107 Creative Writing Across Genres
WRT-100 College Writing
Fall 2024
LIT-107 Creative Writing Across Genres